Friday, January 5, 2024

01.05.24: On candid photography . . . with an iPhone


It might surprise many to discover that a great deal of my work is done on my phone. I take photos and record video with my iPhone because it is a wonderful and powerful tool whose convenience makes it an indispensable tool for any and all content creators; well, as far as I am concerned, anyway.

The above image was taken with my iPhone, and it captured a moment prior to the second night’s performance of Sarah DeLappe’s drama, “The Wolves,” that was staged under the auspices of the J. W. Nixon High School Drama Club, and it captures one the production’s actresses looking out, from the curtains, and gazing upon the audience who had ventured into the cool of the evening to witness that night’s production.

I consider this photograph to be one of the best that I have even taken — I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PORTRAITURE — and this image fully manages to articulate my prowess, at the time, with respect to my skill as a photographer — in particular with regard to my use of an iPhone to capture the image.

The image was purposely underexposed by a stop or so and processed on my iPhone via Snapseed. If you’re looking for a quick way to edit jpegs, on your phone, I highly recommend Snapseed. It is easy to use, and I use it frequently to punch up my images with the “magic pixie dust” that gives my photos “the look” that they are known for.

This image was further enhanced with Instagram’s “Tokyo” black and white preset.

Friday, November 19th, 2021
J. W. Nixon High School
Black Box Theater

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01.05.24: On candid photography . . . with an iPhone

  It might surprise many to discover that a great deal of my work is done on my phone. I take photos and record video with my iPhone because...